Monday, October 31, 2022
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist (2005)
π Horrorthon 2022 #37.5
This was slow and boring, bizarre characters, low production quality. I couldn't finish it, only made it about 1/3 through. I'm staunchly on Team Exorcist: The Beginning in the great prequel debate.
Watched on Kanopy π️ Trailer on YouTube
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Hagazussa (2017)
π Horrorthon 2022 #37
There is a sparse amount of actual dialogue in this film -- it's mostly comprised of stunning imagery and shocking tragedy and suffocating dread.
Watched on Kanopy π️ Trailer on YouTube
Bloody Hell (2021)
π Horrorthon 2022 #36
HA! This one was fun. Very cool modern-day twisted fairy tale. Don't think I've ever wanted so badly for someone to FINALLY CUT THRU THAT DAMN ROPE!!
Watched on Shudder π️ Trailer on YouTube
Friday, October 28, 2022
Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)
π Horrorthon 2022 #34
Woooooow interpersonal relationships are complicated for young people nowadays.π¬
This was better than I had anticipated, tho! One of those Rube Goldberg horror movies, in a very maze-like mansion with the power out, so you're never quite sure where anyBODY's at...π
Watched on DVD (library) π️ Trailer on YouTube
Burnt Offerings (1976)
π Horrorthon 2022 #33
The psychosis creeps-in real slow in this one, but some powerhouse performances from Karen Black, Oliver Reed, and Bette Davis.
Another rule to add to the Horror Scenario Survival Guide: Screwπbeingπpoliteπtoπtheπhauntedπhouseπ Just GTFO.
Watched on Amazon Prime π️ Trailer on YouTube
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Forbidden World (1982)
π Horrorthon 2022 #32 π₯ 40th Anniversary
This was WILD!! Absolutely GRUESOME.
Watched FREE on Youtube π️ Trailer on YouTube
The Accursed (2021)
π Horrorthon 2022 #31
I accidentally watched the "wrong" Accursed, but it worked out fine. This one is kinda complicated and slow, but very old-world magicky which was at least interesting, and some mystery in there. Very tragic ending.
Watched on Hulu π️ Trailer on YouTube
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Nosferatu (1922)
π Horrorthon 2022 #30 π₯ 100th Anniversary
Wanted to watch this 100-year-old film for the anniversary this year, but I had to be very careful... because every other time I've tried to watch it... I'vefallenasleep.π Almost happened again this time, but I ultimately made it through!
The restoration version I watched was very well done. Here's all the info about the restoration process posted at the beginning of the film:
NOSFERATU was restored by Luciano Berriatúa on behalf of Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Weisbaden in 2005/06. A tinted nitrate print with French intertitles from 1922 from the Cinémathèque Française, Paris, was used as a basis for the restoration.
Missing shots were completed by a safety print from 1939 from Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin/Koblenz, drawn from a Czech export print from the 1920s. Other shots were taken from a nitrate print of the 1930 version, distributed under the title DIE ZWΓLFTE STUNDE [THE TWELFTH HOUR], preserved at the CinΓ©mathΓ¨que FranΓ§aise, Paris.
Most of the original intertitles and inserts are preserved in a safety print from 1962 from Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin/Koblenz, originating from a print from 1922.
Missing intertitles and inserts were redesigned on the basis of the original typography by trickWilk, Berlin. They are marked with F.W.M.S.
Watched on Kanopy π️ Trailer on YouTube
Sunday, October 23, 2022
Candyman (2021)
π Horrorthon 2022 #27
Wanted to rewatch the original before I took a crack at this new one.
Great homage to/continuation of the original. Amazing cast, excellent storytelling, very heavy material.
Watched on Amazon Prime π️ Trailer on YouTube
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Candyman (1992)
π Horrorthon 2022 #26 π₯ 30th Anniversary
Got to watch this outside with our projector! It was an unseasonably warm autumn evening, we had a group of friends get together, and it was a lot of fun! Still one of my all-time favorite horror flicks, but my son was unimpressed.π
Watched on DVD (owned) π️ Trailer on YouTube
Overlord (2018)
π Horrorthon 2022 #25
How could I resist a movie with an AC/DC song in the trailer?!
OMG this was crazy as BAAAAALLLLLSSSS! I loved it! Always great to see Wyatt Russell in anything (oh and hey there's Joseph Quinn, too).
Combines the general horrors of war with the specific horrors of reanimated super-soldiers in an underground experimental laboratory. Some sketchy CGI in a couple parts, but doesn't detract from otherwise solid digital and practical effects on-point throughout.
Watched on Bluray (library) π️ Trailer on YouTube
Friday, October 21, 2022
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Nightbeast (1982)
π Horrorthon 2022 #22 π₯ 40th Anniversary
I knew the instant I saw "A Troma Team Release" pop up on the screen that this was going to be a trashterpiece, and it did not disappoint -- from the sheriff's salt-n-pepper perm, to the infomercial-grade acting, to the Nightbeast's snaggletoothed, sometimes-a-puppet face... and something like 3 minutes of softcore porn happens at one point?π€·️
Prepare yourself for the best of the worst!
Fight scenes! Shootouts! Gratuitous nudity! Exclamations!
You'll laugh/cackle! You'll eyeroll! You'll shout profanities at the screen!
Watched on Tubi π️ Trailer on YouTube
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
The Wailing (2016)
π Horrorthon 2022 #21
This one is a significant time and attention investment, at 2-1/2 hours of reading subtitles, but absolutely worth it. Lived up to the hype in a massive way, and the ending was like KAPOW!
Watched on Kanopy & Shudder π️ Trailer on YouTube
Monday, October 17, 2022
Beyond the Gates (2016)
π Horrorthon 2022 #20
I had high hopes for this one, but it was pretty tedious [insert Whammy sound].
A couple gruesome death scenes, otherwise nothing extraordinary.
Watched on Amazon rental π️ Trailer on YouTube
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Alone in the Dark (1982)
π Horrorthon 2022 #19 π₯ 40th Anniversary
One of the better horror flicks to come out of 1982, with immensely creepy performances from Jack Palance and Martin Landau.
Watched FREE on YouTube π️ Trailer on YouTube
Friday, October 14, 2022
Lake of the Dead (1958)
π Horrorthon 2022 #18
De DΓΈdes Tjern -- Quite lovely. A spooky, monochrome glimpse into 1950's Norwegian woodland, complete with sod-roof cabin.
Watched on Shudder π️ (no trailer available)
The Wolf of Snow Hollow (2020)
π Horrorthon 2022 #17
Another solid werewolf flick for this Horrorthon season!
This was good overall, and in a way I didn't expect -- surprisingly heavy on the feels, at times, so be ready for that. Some very cool and disorienting effects and overlays in the opening credits. Jim Cummings plays neurotic like a master. Sadly, this was apparently Robert Forster's last movie role (RIP).
Watched on Amazon Prime π️ Trailer on YouTube
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
The Old Dark House (1932)
π Horrorthon 2022 #15 π₯ 90th Anniversary
This was quite entertaining, and particularly tense in parts. Though it still baffles me how instantly characters "fall in love" in these old-timey films.π
Watched on Kanopy π️ Trailer on YouTube
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Monday, October 10, 2022
Satanic Panic (2019)
π Horrorthon 2022 #13
They went totally extra with the wealthy-elite Satanism in this one, and it worked. Written by Grady Hendrix of "Final Girl Support Group" fame. Great soundtrack by Wolfmen of Mars, as well.
Watched on Shudder π️ Trailer on YouTube
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Day of the Dead (1985)
π Horrorthon 2022 #11
The best of George A. Romero's Living Dead series! The combination of Romero and Tom Savini makes for a top-class horror flick, truly. The social horror in this one is unapologetically full-frontal and very discomforting.
Watched on DVD (owned) π️ Trailer on YouTube
Friday, October 7, 2022
Lake Nowhere (2014)
π Horrorthon 2022 #10
I stumbled on this movie earlier this year while obsessively searching for the best horror soundtracks on vinyl I could get my hands on. Finally watched the actual movie... it was better than I expected! Intense! Much better than the trailer indicates, FYI. With the doofy commercials at the beginning and the vintage style and effects, it's like watching an old VHS tape!
Watched on Amazon (rented) π️ Trailer on YouTube
Dog Soldiers (2002)
π Horrorthon 2022 #9 π₯ 20th Anniversary
My favorite werewolf movie! The practical effects werewolves are so badass! The pace of the action ramps up and up and up until it's absolutely frenetic. Just really great overall.
Watched on DVD (owned) π️ Trailer on YouTube
Thursday, October 6, 2022
Hatching (2022)
π Horrorthon 2022 #8
This was VERY different, but refreshing -- bizarre, beautiful and interesting, and disturbing in so many ways.
Here's a great article about the movie: The startling story behind Hatching's horrifying puppet-monster
Watched on Hulu π️ Trailer on YouTube
The Mummy (1932)
π Horrorthon 2022 #7 π₯ 90th Anniversary
My least favorite Universal Monsters franchise, for many reasons, but not terrible. It's really nice to just listen to Boris Karloff talk, what a great voice. Also contains another White Zombie sample!
Watched on DVD (owned) π️ Watch FREE @
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Stir of Echoes (1999)
π Horrorthon 2022 #6
I haven't watched this for probably two decades. Held up very nicely! Excellent nostalgic, verge-of-the-millennium flick. Kevin Bacon: great, as always!
Watched on DVD (owned) π️ Trailer on YouTube
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Basket Case (1982)
π Horrorthon 2022 #5 π₯ 40th Anniversary
To try to explain all the ways in which this movie was horrible is impossible.
The characters' behavior and the actors' performances were straight out of a bad porno tape. The Foley tech was FROM HELL! and apparently "Belial" (the deformed creature) was attempting to have sex with the corpse of a woman he murdered?! AWFUL!!
I've read articles that say this movie is groundbreaking, and I just absolutely cannot understand the reasoning behind that viewpoint -- it'sπjustπgarbage.π
Even "for 1982": it'sπgarbage.π
Even "for low-budget 1982": it'sπgarbage.π
Watched this garbage on Tubi π️ Trailer on YouTubeNO
Monday, October 3, 2022
Sunday, October 2, 2022
I'm turning 40 this October!
So to make this Horrorthon extra-celebratory, I put together a list of horror movies released in 1982 that are also turning 40 this year -- then eliminated about half of them: movies I've already seen many many times (The Thing, Poltergeist, Swamp Thing); sequels in franchises I don't intend to watch this round; anything not available streaming or from the library; and the ones that looked boring/stupid, or too grindhouse for me. The end result is a solid dirty-dozen that I hope to make it through this month!
Alone in the Dark
Basket Case
The Clairvoyant (a.k.a. The Killing Hour)
Death Valley
Forbidden World
The Living Dead Girl (La Morte Vivante)
Next of Kin
The Slayer
Tenebrae (Tenebre)
See the final results by viewing the 40birthday tag
Saturday, October 1, 2022
Frogs (1972)
π Horrorthon 2022 #2 π₯ 50th Anniversary
There was a time, at the turn of the century, before streaming content, when the drugstore would sell vintage horror DVDs for $3 apc at the checkout counter. This was how I discovered gems like Carnival of Souls, Horror Express, and House of Exorcism, but it's also how I came to own a copy of the schlock flop Frogs.
Wealthy elites of the 1970's menaced... approached... and somehow murdered... by snakes, spiders, lizards, various other swampy creatures, and (eventually) FROGS!
It's so bad. π Other than Ray Milland, the lovely Judy Pace, and a young, moustacheless Sam Elliott, the acting is garbage. The deaths are bumbling and absurd. The cinematography is LOL. Needless to say, not gonna keep this DVD around taking up space any longer.
Watched on DVD (owned) π️ Trailer on YouTube
Antlers (2021)
π Horrorthon 2022 #1
OH DANG -- This was good. The monster was epic (love the wendigo), and even though it was only fully revealed in about the last quarter of the film, the horror was appreciable throughout (psychological and sociological). Well done.
Watched on HBO Max π️ Trailer on YouTube
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