Stories of ghosts and demons; visually stunning -- as restored 1960's Japanese folk films are wont to be -- but nooooot very horrifying, by modern standards.
Watched on HBO Max 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Stories of ghosts and demons; visually stunning -- as restored 1960's Japanese folk films are wont to be -- but nooooot very horrifying, by modern standards.
Watched on HBO Max 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Big viewing-time investment, but well worth it if you're interested in the folk horror genre. Be ready for lots of pausing to look up/write down movies you'll want to watch. 😉👍
Watched on Amazon (rented) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Really great concept, initial mysterious happenings were intriguing, but otherwise, unfortunately, film was very poorly executed. CGI effects were sub-par, acting left much to be desired, sci-fi reveal was desperately over-the-top.
Watched on Netflix 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
The 100 Greatest Overlooked Horror Movies "There's hundreds of thousands of [horror] movies and if you don't know where to lo...