Wednesday, October 31, 2018
John Carpenter's "Halloween" (1978)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #48 🔥 40th Anniversary
Wrapping up a successful Horrorthon with the traditional Halloween-night-viewing 🎃🔪
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
ParaNorman (2012)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #47
Post-trick-or-treating wind-down movie 🎃
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Piranha (1978)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #46 🔥 40th Anniversary
This was better than I thought it would be.
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Monday, October 29, 2018
In the Mouth of Madness (1994)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #44
One of John Carpenter's masterworks.
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Pet Semetary (1989)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #43
Realized I've never actually watched this in its entirety. Apparently I've been mixing it up with Sleepwalkers for some reason -- so thinking I had already seen it.
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Crush the Skull (2015)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #42
Disturbing start, overall pretty good.
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
The Innocents (1961)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #41
Been looking forward to this one! Came highly recommended, screenplay co-written by Truman Capote, and first thing on-screen is creepy child singing in darkness...
Watched on DVD (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Saturday, October 27, 2018
The Addams Family (1991)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #39
Long day of Halloween activities with the kiddos! Time for Horrorthon family movie!
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Friday, October 26, 2018
Evil Dead (2013)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #38
Evil Dead 2013 Wallpaper 1920x1080 by sachso74 @ DeviantArt
Watched on Bluray (borrowed) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Night of the Living Dead (1968)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #35 🔥 50th Anniversary
50th Anniversary 4k restoration in-theater!
Watched in theater 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Candyman (1992)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #34
Classic. The first for-reals horror movie I ever watched in my childhood -- terrified me, and forever marked Tony Todd as the first of many iconic horror actors in my mind.
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Errementari (2017)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #33
Translation: The Blacksmith ; alternate English title: The Devil and the Blacksmith
Watched on Netflix 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Night of the Demons (1988)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #32 🔥 30th Anniversary
Have never seen this one before! So far, so 80's...
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Halloween (2018)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #30 🔥 Release Year
Taking this Horrorthon to the theater for the latest Michael Myers installment!
Watched in theater 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Friday, October 19, 2018
Thursday, October 18, 2018
The Night Watchmen (2017)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #28
Surprisingly decent for intentional schlock! Will probably watch again someday.
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Tales from the Crypt (1972)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #27
The version I watched on Amazon must be recently restored (says released 2018), looks great. (can't speak for the free YouTube version, tho)
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Watch FREE on YouTube
Cabin in the Woods (2012)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #26
LOVE this one!
Also, trailer on DVD for Sam Raimi's The Possession looked really good.
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
The Haunting (1963)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #25 🔥 55th Anniversary
Always fun throughout the years unexpectedly stumbling upon White Zombie samples.
Watched on Hulu 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
The Changeling (1980)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #24
Finally get to see this! Love George C. Scott! Watching it on what seems like a brand-spankin'-new bluray from my local library.
Watched on bluray (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Monday, October 15, 2018
An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #22
Haven't seen this since I rented it on VHS from my small hometown's gas station back before the turn of the century, and the reason for that is: it's awful.
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Friday, October 12, 2018
Frankenweenie (2012)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #18
This is so precious. If you have/had dogs in your life: it will wreck you.
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Prom Night (1980)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #17
LOL this movie. Not a whole lotta slashing until the last 20 minutes-or-so, but WOW is there plenty of disco and sexual harassment.
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Insidious (2010)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #16
Hadn't seen this yet; I have avoided a lot of the exorcism/paranormal-activity movies of the early 21st century. This was OK, there were some awesome spooks -- mostly involving the demon -- but overall it kinda fell flat for me. Glad I watched it, but won't be adding it to our library any time soon.
Watched on DVD (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
The Cell (2000)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #15
Just as awesome as I remember. So underrated.
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Boo! (2005)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #13
Let's see how this holds up -- last time I watched this movie I'm pretty sure it was a Blockbuster rental.😆
Watched on Netflix 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Monday, October 8, 2018
Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings (1993)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #12 🔥 25th Anniversary
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Sunday, October 7, 2018
Saturday, October 6, 2018
What Lies Beneath (2000)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #9
Just barely horror... but I like psychological thrillers just fine, too.
Watched on Amazon (rented) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Friday, October 5, 2018
House on Haunted Hill (1959)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #7
[...]...and the original, too, why not!
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Watch FREE on YouTube
House on Haunted Hill (1999)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #6
I let the thunderstorm rolling in choose the movie tonight... the Cadillac of creeptastic haunted asylum movies!
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Thirteen Ghosts (2001)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #5
Holds up! Sappy ending and all.🙂 Always love seeing the makeup work in this one.
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Horror Express (1972)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #4
Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing and Telly Savalas, oh my! This is one of my personal faves -- an underappreciated gem of classic sci-fi horror. Excellent cast, some great one-liners sprinkled throughout, solid practical effects/makeup, and a surprise twist at the end!
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Watch FREE on YouTube
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Hereditary (2018)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #2 🔥 Release Year
Lived up to the hype. Toni Collette is amazing.
Watched on DVD (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Monday, October 1, 2018
Suspiria (1977)
🎃 Horrorthon 2018 #1
Beautifully composed, the score provided excellent atmospheric soundscape, and the restored DVD version that I watched was gorgeous -- BUT, it was very much a 70's Italian film: the overacting and nonsensical behavior of the characters, and the incongruous storyline with inexplicable plot leaps. OH and the red tempera paint blood, lol.
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
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