Thursday, October 31, 2019
John Carpenter's "Halloween" (1978)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #34
Annual Halloween night tradition 🎃
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Hitcher (2007)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #33
Turned out to be more action-thriller than horror, but Sean Bean was good.
Watched on DVD (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
C.H.U.D. (1984)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #32
After two decades of trying, it appears the universe is finally allowing me to watch this movie. 😱
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Monday, October 28, 2019
Prince of Darkness (1987)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #30
More Carpenter! This one is VASTLY under-appreciated. Great cast, including Donald Pleasence, Victor Wong, & even Alice Cooper!
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Brightburn (2019)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #29 🔥 Release Year
Super-horror... was just OK. That's about it.
Watched on DVD (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Phantasm (1979)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #27 🔥 40th Anniversary
I've been trying to see this movie for years!
Watched on DVD (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #25 🔥 Release Year
The reviews aren't great, but I enjoyed it --- but I can see how other people would not. Would I recommend it? Only to weirdos like me, I guess, lol.
It is slowww and dryyyyy; there is some social commentary re: corporate greed and consumerism that is not subtle and sticks out like a sore-thumb; and one of the character-groups' fate is never resolved to the audience.
Things I liked about it: The cast really saved it for me, Bill Murray and Adam Driver work well together, and Tilda Swinton being weird is always great; the plot is bizarre, but the cause of the zombie outbreak is creative; the running Sturgill Simpson gag (also, the theme song is good); the breaks in the 4th wall. My fave part was probably the WU-PS delivery.
Watched on DVD (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Day of the Triffids (1963)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #24
Interesting story, well executed, neat monsters.
Recommended if you enjoy vintage horror/sci-fi.
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Purge (2013)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #23
Terrifying combination of horror and social dystopia.
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Monday, October 21, 2019
Sunday, October 20, 2019
House (1985)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #21
I've been waiting for this to be streaming somewhere!
NOTE: I also watched House II, but that is not a horror movie and not good.
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Drag Me to Hell (2009)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #20 🔥 10th Anniversary
Saw this in theaters 10 years ago -- DVD's been sitting on the shelf about that long now. Time for a revisit.
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Ruins (2008)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #19
Meh. Lots of body-horror in this one, not really my scene.
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Nun (2018)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #17
My friend had warned me that this was not good. I ignored him and watched it anyway. This was alright, actually. Some good creeps; standard religious/demon/possession stuff, but not as lame as he made me think it would be. Glad I ignored him. Will I watch it again ever? Meh, probably not. Also the Nun totally was Marilyn Manson I'm pretty sure. 🤣
Watched on Hulu 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #16
Been too long since I revisited this one.
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Descent (2005)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #15
Jump scares already got me twice and they're not even in the cave yet.
This was so good, why did I wait so long to watch it?!?
Watched on DVD (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Monday, October 14, 2019
What We Do in the Shadows (2014)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #14
This was fun! The hype was deserved.
Watched on DVD (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Friday, October 11, 2019
Midsommar (2019)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #12 🔥 Release Year
Well my friend was right when he saw this in-theater and told me I would like it (which is why I just went ahead and bought the DVD when it released). The cinematography is excellent -- gives that inverted (sometimes literally), otherworldly feeling, which was probably my favorite aspect, really. Loved the scandi-pagan-cultist aspects, but it was a low-key slow burn, if that's not your thing.
Watched on DVD (owned) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Village of the Damned (1995)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #11
Finally, some John Carpenter!
OMG, Mark Hamill's in this?! How long has it been since I've seen this movie?!
Worth another watch after all these years, esp. for nostalgia, but not on my list of favorite Carpenter.
Watched on DVD (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Devil Bat (1940)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #9
Bela Lugosi as Unhinged Scientist, straight-up cold-blooded murdering folks with a chemically-engineered bat the size of a bald eagle. So many stereotypes.
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Watch FREE on YouTube
Monday, October 7, 2019
Slender Man (2018)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #8
All the reviews for this are pooptastic, but I just have to see for myself. Here goes nothing. After about 10 minutes, realized I had already watched this earlier in the year -- that's how memorable this movie is. Not really awful, but definitely forgettable, obviously.
Watched on DVD (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Friday, October 4, 2019
Escape Room (2019)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #6 🔥 Release Year
Interesting but predictable.
If you're looking for the ultimate horror escape-room movie, watch CUBE (and then might as well watch CUBE² and CUBE ZERO while you're at it).
Watched on DVD (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Death Becomes Her (1992)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #5
I love this movie! Haven't seen it in so long!
Watched on Bluray (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Suspiria (2018)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #4
This was OK. I liked it better than the original, but I didn't like the original all that much. This remake has its few great moments. Could have done without the political background plots, which felt forced and were really unnecessary to the story. It's got 3/5 stars on Amazon, and that's about right.
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Us (2019)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #2 🔥 Release Year
THIS WAS AMAZING! Twisty and creeptastic.
Gotta add it to our DVD collection for sure.
Watched on DVD (library) 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
🎃 Horrorthon 2019 #1
If you're into horror movies that make you yell at the screen things like "wtf, seriously?!" and "no, don't do that! why are you doing the dumbest thing?!" then this is the movie for you.😆
Watched on Amazon Prime 👁️ Trailer on YouTube
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